Serviceberries are nutrient-rich and have antioxidant properties and were once a staple food for the Blackfeet people. Bitterroot is a plant known for its distinctive pink flowers and a root which has been traditionally consumed for its taste and health properties. Combining hand-picked service berries and bitter root with the upcycled remnants of our other products, Natoyii.Earth (miin) Berry Soup is a unique food product that combines the indigenous knowledge and ancient wisdom of the Aamsskáápipikani, Blackfeet Nation people. "Natoyii" means holy and "miin" means Berry in the Siksika language. This innovative food design celebrates and honors the cultural heritage while also promoting sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices of some of the original people of America.
The "iinnii" Initiative is a long-term project initiated by the Blackfeet Nation in 2010. Its objective is to reintroduce free-ranging, genetically pure bison to the lands of the Blackfoot Confederacy. The term "iinnii" refers to buffalo or bison in the Blackfeet language. For centuries, these animals played a vital role in the Blackfeet people's way of life, providing them with food, clothing, shelter, and holding significant cultural and spiritual significance. The return of the bison is a crucial step in restoring the ecosystem and revitalizing Blackfeet culture, traditions, and spirituality. The "iinnii" bison are raised humanely using traditional regenerative practices, with a diet consisting solely of grass. The Blackfeet Nation citizens directly source the "iinnii" bison meat from Montana, which is used to create the bison jerky. Both regenerative organic agriculture and regen{N]ation certification ensure the embodiment of the circular design for food framework.
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