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Café Apuí Agroflorestal Organico

Café Apuí Agroflorestal Organico

food designer

Amazônia Agroflorestal

Description from food designer

Café Apuí Agroflorestal is unique.

Produced in the Amazon, cultivated in agroforestry systems that promote forest regeneration, generates income for local families by guaranteeing the purchase of coffee at fair prices and contributes to the conservation of biodiversity. Our motto is coffee in the cup and the forest standing because it shows the essence of agroforestry and the regenerative cycle, which benefits everyone involved. Our value lies in a truly sustainable production chain, which at the same time regenerates the Amazon forest, improves the income of family farming families in Apuí and the region and delivers unique coffee to the entire country.

Additional information from food designer

Amazônia Agroflorestal is a spin-off of Idesam (Institute for Conservation and Sustainable Development of Amazonas), one of the main environmental defense organizations in Brazil, elected as the Best Environmental NGO of 2023. Café Apuí Agroflorestal was born as a project within Idesam, which sought to develop a sustainable chain for producers who wanted to plant coffee in Apuí, the city that deforested the most in the Amazon in 2022. This is how our agroforestry model was born, operating in degraded areas of the city. However, due to the challenges of entrepreneurship in the Amazon, it was necessary for the company Amazônia Agroflorestal to be created, which makes it possible to guarantee the purchase of all families' production, with payment in advance, and the flow to the national and international market. Sustainability is in our DNA!"

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